Generator Crystal
from Crystal Personalities by Patricia Troyer
Generator Crystals are crystals terminating in six faces (facets), all coming to a near-perfect point at the top-center of the crystal. Generators are
sometimes also called Projector Crystals. A Generator Crystal can be found as small as ¼ inch or be as large as a tall building. These are always
powerful stones, no matter what their size, and should be treated with care and much respect.
Generators do exactly what their name implies—they generate and project energy. These are first rate group meditation tools when seated in the center
of a meditation circle. Generators are also outstanding at re-energizing or recharging other crystals and stones.
These crystals are often favorites of those involved in alternative healing procedures, generating and directing energy in extremely precise regular pulses
and patterns, especially when programmed for specific functions.
Some Generators have been known to generate enough energy to crack and shatter other crystals in their near vicinity, so be careful where you place
them and how you use them. But If you have any doubts that all this crystal energy stuff really works, experiment with your Generator. Just be prepared
for what you experience—and remember that it is not nice to point.
Like all stones, each Generator is a distinct individual with its own lifetime of experience and unique frequency transmissions. It can be cloudy at the base
and clear at its point, or vice versa; it can contain phantoms, rainbows, inclusions; and it cam be perfectly clear. A
Generator can be any member of the Quartz Clan so long as all of its six sides terminate in one regular 6-sided point. Generator, however, do not have
to be “perfect” to function.
Generators also symbolize the number 6. Six, among many other interpretations, is the number of accompl9ishment, purpose, and growth. It symbolizes
the completion of a process and often shows up in your life at the end of a period of great change and activity. It is your experience with the number 6,
which prepares you for the lessons of the number 7. Six is also the number of the Philosopher’s Stone, The Shield of David, the Seal of Solomon with the
power to bind negative energies, and 6 can symbolize sexuality since it represents the hexagram which itself denotes the meeting of male and female. Six
was a perfect number to Pythagorus since it was the midpoint between the 2 of the beginning of growth and the 10 of completion.
Generators are extraordinary meditation tools, helping you gather and focus your concentration and energy, then amplify and send it anywhere you like.
They are also good instructors while you are learning not to damage anything when focusing and using energy and power responsibly. Wear or carry a
Generator anytime you need to feel strong and in control. Generators are perfect mates for Receiver Crystals.
Symbolizes the union of Fire and Water which when harmoniously combined creates the Human Soul.
Represents the number 6 with all of its symbolism.
One of the best Power Stones, directly symbolizing the power use energy.
A Shaman Stone.
Outstanding for generating, concentrating, and projecting energy.
Good reminder when you are serious about accomplishing anything.
Superb tool for focusing and storing energy.
A good choice for leaders of any kind.
Helps recharge all energy systems.
Generates strong feelings of self-confidence and personal courage.
First rate meditation tool.
Breaks up and dissolves feelings of apathy and lethargy.
Outstanding channeling tool.
Good choice during any rebirthing procedures.
Matchless physical and psychic protection tool.
Great aid in dealing with a fear of heights or flying.
A good tool for digging for your core beliefs.
Connects you more directly to your Higher and Inner Self.
Outstanding choice for business people.
Balances energy directly and quickly.
One of the best telepathic communication tools.
Helps generate and maintain your energy during spiritual exercises.
Excellent candidate for programming.
Lemurian Seed Crystals
Welcome to our Collection of Ancient metaphysical minerals and shamanic stones.
Each piece has been chosen with care and in sync with the energies intended that brought each piece into our possession.
There is a natural mystical force that varies in potency attached to the most hidden and unique pieces in the womb of nature safeguarded in each phase of its journey until the time is right.
We have only been fourth coming with minimal of our gifts from nature, we have all kinds of crystals and shamanic stones to sacred temple stones that hold an alchemical force and power for transformation and ascension, finding your way home with the help of natures forces, the elements that work with the living consciousness resonant within these minerals and matrices, reminding and prompting us of what we have long forgotten helping us again remember now that it is needed for us to enter the kingdom of grace.
Authentic lemurian Seed crystals are no longer available from our trusted source as sources have been depleted and can no longer be found, what remains is mostly with private collectors, museums, and traders of this stone. Many souls are now being called fourth and have come to understand the significance of these crystals and what can be learnt from them.
The strongest imprint and signature of the lemurian seeds are their striations, which to some observers have the appearance of being etched into the crystals, these imprints are 'codes' which contain this knowledge, interacting with lemurian seeds can trigger experiences or memories as well as opening a type of portal to ancient esoteric knowledge that would benefit the greater destiny of humanity, these were to be revealed at an important transition point in our evolution.
Some ways to work with them are to hold one of the striated sides of the crystal to the third eye (between and above the other two).
Another is to rub the index finger of your non-dominant hand over the ridges
Lemurian Star Seed crystals are "master" crystals within the Crystal Kingdom. Within the planetary hologram they are linked to all other crystals.
They transmit to these crystals the message of Oneness and Unity and Love that was the key energy of Lemuria.
This is their work, to reactivate within the planetary matrix this ancient memory of Oneness and Unity so that it may become the way of life on the New Earth.
Some ways to work with them are to hold one of the striated sides of the crystal to the third eye (between and above the other two).
Another is to rub the index finger of your non-dominant hand over the ridges
Lemurian Star Seed crystals are "master" crystals within the Crystal Kingdom. Within the planetary hologram they are linked to all other crystals.
They transmit to these crystals the message of Oneness and Unity and Love that was the key energy of Lemuria.
This is their work, to reactivate within the planetary matrix this ancient memory of Oneness and Unity so that it may become the way of life on the New Earth.
These crystals are connected to inner earth, the earth's surface, and the stars, and serve as links to these various magnetic fields. On the individual level, each seed crystal is energetically connected to all other seed crystals.
This connection is a living example of the message of the Lemurian seed crystals. They teach us how to be both individuals and integral parts of the cosmic design, that all beings are equal. They also help teach us how, as physical beings, to maintain our connection with our spiritual source.
This connection is a living example of the message of the Lemurian seed crystals. They teach us how to be both individuals and integral parts of the cosmic design, that all beings are equal. They also help teach us how, as physical beings, to maintain our connection with our spiritual source.
Lemuria is an ancient civilization whose center of consciousness was upon the emotional and spiritual dimensions of existence unlike our present mentally-based modern world.
Their deeper connection to heart qualities allowed them to express unconditional love for the Divine and each other and enabled them to maintain a deep sense of connection to their Creator, their environment, and the whole of creation.
The Lemurian crystals have been programed with this consciousness of love and connection, and working with them provides a most welcome healing balm for our souls.
They guide individuals consciousness toward comprehansion of Oneness and understanding of how each of us fit in to the 'whole'.
Their deeper connection to heart qualities allowed them to express unconditional love for the Divine and each other and enabled them to maintain a deep sense of connection to their Creator, their environment, and the whole of creation.
The Lemurian crystals have been programed with this consciousness of love and connection, and working with them provides a most welcome healing balm for our souls.
They guide individuals consciousness toward comprehansion of Oneness and understanding of how each of us fit in to the 'whole'.